Weekly Entertainment

Tuesdays, 8pm - Trivia Night with Big Happy Triva!

Join us for our weekly general knowledge trivia night! The winning team gets a $50 gift card for their next visit to the tavern, and the best team name wins a round of mystery shots!

Please be aware of the following house rules:
- There is a 6 player limit per team.
- Tables are first come, first serve. We recommend getting here by 7pm!
- Trivia is free for paying customers! We ask that you observe a 2 item per person minimum while enjoying the game.

Please be respectful of other players - If your full team has not arrived by 8pm, we politely request that you make your table available for any full groups looking for seating.

Wednesdays & Fridays, 8pm
Hi-Ho Karaoke with Dani & Britt

Come sing yer face off with Hi-Ho Karaoke every Wednesday and Friday! Our KJs Dani & Britt are on hand every week to kick out the jams!

Click here to take a look at Hi-Ho Karaoke’s online songbook!

Hi-Ho Karaoke is free for all paying customers! Please help out the bar and order food or drinks while enjoying the evening.