Welcome to Spirits of Tillinghast

Your experience begins here.

Thank you for purchasing Spirits of Tillinghast! While you wait for your food & drinks, here’s some important information to help you make the most out of your puzzle box experience! Please read everything carefully, and follow all instructions.

The Roguelike Tavern Presents:

It was a night like any other when the police called the owner of The Roguelike Tavern to say that they’d exhausted all their leads trying to find Cassidy, everyone’s favorite bartender. It had been ages since Cass had disappeared under seemingly impossible circumstances, and nobody but John was holding out much hope of seeing her again. Then, one night, messages suddenly began appearing in her favorite patrons’ inboxes:

“Hey. It’s me. It’s Cassidy. If I’m doing this correctly, you should see this message the next time you order something from The Roguelike Tavern. Look, I can’t explain everything, but I’m including a link to an audio file that I need you to listen to while you’re there. Try not to draw attention to yourself, and keep an eye out for shadows that...shouldn’t be there. The file will tell you everything you need to know for now. Please, I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t life or death. I need your help. - C”

Click here to listen to Cassidy’s message

Once you’ve listened to the above audio, it’s time to begin your experience.  Once you’ve listened to the above audio, it's time to get Cassidy's files.  Let the bar know that you're ready to delve in, and they’ll bring you your box.

When you open your box, feel free to open or interact with anything inside that isn’t sealed. Sealed objects will be marked with a “PRIVATE” sticker and should NOT be opened until you are instructed to do so.

In order to help Cassidy, you’ll need to make phone calls, send emails, and go to websites. Keep your cell phone or tablet handy, and make sure you’re connected to the internet. If you like you can connect to the bar’s WiFi:

WiFi name: MySpectrum40g
Password: woodenfish630

You may also find it useful to have some scratch paper handy to jot down notes, as well as ample space on which to spread out your materials. We encourage you to share your Roguelike pride on social media by using the hashtags #spiritsoftillinghast #theroguelike & #puzzlebox, and tagging @theroguelike and @shineoncollective in your posts! Please do not post any spoilers or content that will impact the experience of others!!!

Each basic 2-4 player box contains four 1.5 ounce bottles of whiskey, tequila and mezcal.
Please drink responsibly!

Thank you for your patronage, and please enjoy Spirits of Tillinghast!